Monday, April 9, 2012

La Jolla Children`s Pool

The Children`s Pool in La Jolla has been one of our favorites for many years. This beach has a protective wall that allows safe swimming.The wall was built in 1931 with funding provided by Ellen Browning Scripps. Over the past few years the beach was closed to people due to the large number of seals that have made this their home. There was a movement by some over zealous animal rights people to try to get the beach closed completely to humans. This seems to be faltering. We wrote about this issue back on March 31, 2011. At that time there were only seals on the beach. last Sunday April 8, 2012 the beach still had seals, but also had people on the beach and in the water. This is a great development. As you can hopefully see from the above photo, people and seals can get along fine at this wonderful beach.
For more information see: and

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