Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December Nights at Balboa Park

It is that time of year again. The Holidays are upon us and there is a chill in the air. We will not have snow, but we can still celebrate the season in San Diego.
December Nights at Balboa Park is a free event that has been a tradition for 34 years. There are Christmas trees decorated throughout the park and lots of music, displays and food. There are even a few adult beverages sold if you do not want coffee and hot chocolate. The International Cottages sell traditional food from their respective countries. This is a fun way for the family to get into the holiday mood. The only downside to this great event is the parking and traffic. With 300,000 people expected over the two days, the roads and parking lots tend to stretch your patience a bit. But then 300,000 people would not attend something that is not fun on a Friday and Saturday in December. Enjoy!
For more information see http://www.visitdecembernights.org/

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