Monday, November 15, 2010


I was out of town last weekend so no San Diego day trips. However, I hooked up with a long time friend and he reminded me of a pastime we had many years ago. We called it a `drive-a-hike`. This is when you get in the car and start driving. We would usually end up driving somewhere that we had never been and could get out and hike for a few hours. We lived in the Los Angeles area and normally would leave for a rural setting. Maybe the mountains, beach or desert. It didn`t really matter as we only wanted a change of scenery. Somewhere that we could get away from people. I guess `drive-a-hike` is just another name for `day trip`, but we sure thought that it  was something special. I wonder how many of us still take `drive-a-hikes` ? Maybe next weekend?

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